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For businesses who adopted digital sales early on, now is the time to review the performance of a B2B ecommerce platform. That is because buyer expectations have changed. The UK’s leading developer of B2B ecommerce solutions cites website speeds as a major issue. Comgem says the time it takes for a page to load can dictate how a customer perceives a brand. If it takes too long, a potential buyer will move on to a competitor. So, time really is of the essence.
“Speed is often overlooked as a key ingredient of online success, but it is pivotal,” explains Dani Attard, Comgem’s Commercial Director. She co-founded the tech innovator with husband Paul and, together, they have charted key stages in the evolution of online B2B sales. The once design-led sector is now consumed with the need to automate labour-intensive processes and integrate systems to drive up efficiency. While automation and integration are crucial factors in success, speed is still an issue many ecommerce platforms lack.
If your B2B business’s online sales have slowed, the speed of your platform could be to blame. Dani says: “If your site takes too long to load, you will be at an instant disadvantage. It doesn’t matter how compelling your website design is or how brilliant your marketing messages are, they will count for nothing. We advise established B2B ecommerce brands to review the speed of their platforms on a regular basis. This is important to ensure the user experience is consistently excellent - and to avoid loss of sales.”
It is worth bearing in mind that a website which loads pages quickly is more engaging that one that takes too long. Great website speeds are linked to higher conversion rates and better rankings on search engines. Things to look at include website hosting, server capabilities and navigation. B2B ecommerce is a growth sector and staying one step ahead of your competitors has never been more important.
If you want to improve the speed of your B2B ecommerce platform and engage more users, talk to Comgem. Its Gemsuite platform is designed for speed and includes the features every leading B2B business needs to drive up online sales. Discover more by booking a free demonstration and see how B2B ecommerce has evolved.