Top B2B Ecommerce Trends of 2018
Synching your business to market trends is important. It makes what you do relevant, competitive and more efficient. In B2B ecommerce, this is especially the case. With an ever-changing landscape, you ignore trends at your peril.
In 2018, the top B2B ecommerce trends are giving savvy businesses access to more revenue streams through multi-channel selling. And they are making them more profitable with the utilisation of real-time data.
If you want your business to meet the needs of buyers and emerging markets, now is the time to act. Make sure your B2B website is capable of exploiting the top trends. Market leaders are coining it in by adopting tech advancements
as they emerge. If you feel behind the times, there is still time to catch up and lead from the front. Comgem, the market-leading developer of B2B ecommerce solutions, explains the trends you should not overlook.
Multi-channel, multi-device selling
No B2B ecommerce website should ignore multi-channel selling. It makes your products – and your brand – more visible. It ensures you increase your audience and sell more. At Comgem, we have helped B2B ecommerce businesses tap into
lucrative marketplaces.
We have done this through our award-winning Gemsuite B2B ecommerce platform. It puts you in charge of product listings and lets you manage pricing by channel. This is important if you want to maximise profits. Gemsuite also delivers
better stock control and centralises orders from multiple channels.
Why multi-device?
Dani Attard, our co-founder and CEO, says: “Multi-channel selling has huge benefits. Gemsuite opens up more revenue streams and significantly increases the visibility of products online. At the same time, we have ensured that our
platform delivers exceptional user experiences regardless of the device being used.
“This is significant because mobile commerce is increasing by more than 50 per cent year on year. Any serious B2B ecommerce business needs to ensure their website works seamlessly on any device. B2B buyers are getting younger too.
In fact, Google research has shown that many are under 35. This means more and more are using smartphones to make purchasing decisions and to place orders.”
Real-time data is the holy grail
The most profitable B2B ecommerce websites use real-time data to stay competitive. They have integrated their systems with third party suppliers and back office systems. The benefits, says Dani, include automatic price updates
that reflect market conditions and take stock into account.
She says: “Integration gives a business the agility to stay in tune with markets. Not only that, it improves the user experience and reduces the risks of errors. Importantly, integration makes a B2B ecommerce business much more
efficient. It saves time and money.”
Customisation and personalisation
Other important trends include product customisation and the personalisation of marketing. Dani says these two trends alone are responsible for significantly increasing sales. She points out: “Both of these trends increase customer
loyalty. They bring brands closer to their audiences and are powerful drivers of better sales.
“Gemsuite supports product customisation. It also allows B2B ecommerce businesses to segment customers into groups so that marketing is much more effective.”
Learn more about how your business can benefit from the top B2B ecommerce trends of 2018. Book a free demo of Gemsuite here.
I don't set trends. I just find out what they are and exploit them.
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